Welcome, Sister. We’ve been waiting for you. Come- light a candle, join the circle.
We want to hear your voice.
What an adventure you have walked! Every bit has been important. Every step has led you here.
And where is here exactly?
Why, the messy middle, of course! Where ALL THE MAGIC HAPPENS. This is REAL life, not a filtered instagram post. Where the garden of YOUR life comes ALIVE- even amongst (and maybe because of)- the “weeds”.
And I know it hasn’t been easy. Maybe that’s the understatement of the year. But I am here to tell you-
True healing HAPPENS.
And RADICAL transformation is not only possible- it is dogging your heels and won’t let you go, sister!
Here’s what else I know:
Motherhood is a Sacred Path of Awakening.
That means just smelling motherhood on the horizon is enough to call all the monsters out from under the bed and get up close and personal with limiting ways of thinking, dysfunctional behaviors, fears, and insecurities. Yup, it’s okay. We’ve all got ‘em, so why pretend we’ve got all our shit together? We don’t. Just admitting that is a good starting point.
(Here’s a secret: until you can be honest with yourself about where the breakdown is, you also won’t be able to truly see and embrace your gifts, your genius, and your power. This is so true, in fact, that some of us have been known to cling to a few of those old monsters just so that we don’t have to face the terrifying beauty of our own brilliance! But I digress.)
Rest your hand on your belly.
Connect with your womb space.
Feel into this:
Motherhood is a Sacred Path of Awakening.
This means that, wherever you are, even if you are just thinking about motherhood, you are on the most incredible fast track of spiritual awakening available! There is something about physically/socially/emotionally/mentally/spiritually being the vessel for LIFE to flow through that REQUIRES you to up level to the highest level of consciousness available to you.
Does this mean you need to reach perfection (or at least low grade nirvana) before the third trimester?
I’m so glad you asked.
Um, no. Ha! Perfection is being hung at the back door, right over there near the pile of dirty dishes and the basket of laundry waiting to be washed. You will find, if you haven’t already, that one of the first gifts of motherhood is the utter obliteration of the illusion of perfection. And good riddance. It was a lie that chained us to patterns of behavior that we believed would make us acceptable to others- and kept us in eternal bondage (and never actually guaranteed any acceptance, either).
Here’s what I know:
Being a parent is one of the greatest gifts, and most humbling honors, that a person can ever experience. And it is also one of the hardest.
Enter the Age of Awakening…
Yup, you heard me. Woo alert. We’re gonna get real about some shizzle here. Because the times we are living in are unprecedented, catalyzing, turbulent, and revolutionary- and the tectonic plates of our entire world reality are shifting. You know you are in the right place if you know I’m not exaggerating one bit. Consciousness is expanding, new awareness is blossoming, and the frequency of the planet is rising. So much change is happening so fast on this wild ride of global transformation, it’s a wonder any of us know which way is up anymore. (In fact, what we used to “know” may no longer even be relevant anymore. Is “up” still up in the way we thought it was?)
I am of the opinion that this process, though turbulent, is positive, powerful, and beneficial. I believe we are on a journey that will usher in a new way of being for humans on this planet, a way that is in harmony with all of Life. I believe we are living on Earth at this time for a reason, that each of us are gifted souls, here to share the wisdom, beauty and strength of our being as together we reweave the world in harmony.
And, wowza. If it isn’t messy!
Thirty years of work in the unseen realms and navigating the mechanics of energy and frequency have taught me a few things. Of note, when frequency rises (meaning that energy is flowing more freely), lower frequencies will rise to match this higher, more coherent frequency. This is a process which physics calls “entrainment”. The denser, “lower” frequency naturally wants to come into harmony with, to “match”, the higher, more coherent frequency.
Interesting science aside, the effect of this principle cannot be overstated: When you begin to raise your vibration (come into alignment, create balance in your life, etc), it will call forth denser frequencies for entrainment with the higher frequency. And by “denser frequencies” I mean: fears, insecurities, old patterns you thought you were over, past trauma, suppressed emotions, and even life circumstances that are challenging/triggering.
So what is the point of all this business about the mechanics of energy alignment?
When the entire planet is rising in frequency- as is happening right now during this Age of Awakening- the entire collective is going through a group process of “entrainment”- and yes, this means that “stuff” is coming up everywhere: massive examples of misalignment, fear, attempts at control and all kinds of unhealthy behaviors are happening at all levels of human interaction as the densities rise up for entrainment, from politics and finance all the way to the conversation with your neighbor next door. Ultimately, I believe this is all part of the process of our collective human experience coming into greater alignment with Life, love, and wisdom. But however beneficial it will (hopefully) become, right here, in the messy middle… yikes. It can be hard to find a stable footing.
When you are pregnant, your frequency raises. Yup, across the board. You are carrying/embodying/sharing Life with another soul who is vibrating at a higher frequency than you- and causing you a massive up level in your frequency. What is this going to mean? You got it: your “stuff” comes up. You can call it “inner housekeeping”. Or, you might call it complete and total life transformation. Either way it is good news. The catalytic impact of the sudden rise in frequency that accompanies pregnancy, and the process of becoming a mother, is enormous. It calls forth a whole new level of self-awareness and self-responsibility that gives you access to more of your own innate inner wisdom, core knowing, personal authority, presence, clarity, confidence, and capacity for love.
Motherhood is a sacred path of awakening.
And in all this change and transformation, it can be hard to find a stable footing.
When BOTH of these powerful initiations- planetary and motherhood- occur simultaneously? WOW. Powerful awakening, massive transformation, incredible evolution…
and very unstable footing.
I believe we are not meant to walk through this transformational initiation alone. We need each other. We need to have sacred space held for us, so that we can feel safe and supported to be able to dive deep within ourselves and meet these initiations with courage and love. When we are deeply honored, witnessed, heard, held, supported and loved through this journey, we are able to be strengthened by it. We are able to release the old and outmoded, to heal and forgive and grieve, and in the space that opens after that release, to discover who we are now: what we know, desire, and value, and who we choose to be as we walk forward into this next chapter in our lives.
This grounding in our own sovereign inner authority, clarity and presence is now more important than ever.
This Age of Awakening is calling all of humanity to step up and come into harmony with their true essence. To remember who they truly are, and bring their unique genius, gifts and brilliance into the world- because we need each other to navigate this time of massive change, awakening and revolutionary world change. We need to be strong, clear, and empowered. We need to know how to walk in integrity, how to connect with our hearts, and to be grounded in our own wisdom and authority to be able to make choices in our lives in alignment with that inner knowing.
When you are a mother, the call for this alignment is even stronger. Yes, it means that there can be some intensity along the journey. And- it means that the potential for true transformation, radical empowerment, strength, clarity, sovereignty, wisdom, and dare I say- JOY- in life is unparalleled. This journey of motherhood calls us into the greatness of our being because it matters that much. Our children- this next generation entering the planet at this transformational time- are so important for this world. How they are reared, the support they get to know the truth of who they are and never forget it, makes a bigger difference than we can imagine. Though motherhood may be one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated of life’s callings, it is in my opinion one of the very most important.
You are called to motherhood because we need you. Your kids need you. YOU need you.
You are powerful, wise and beautiful beyond measure.
And it’s time you remembered that.
Join me, sister, on this journey of awakening as we walk the beautiful, messy, organic, earthy, wild, powerful and incredible path of motherhood.
Here in this sacred temple for mothers I call Wildcrafted Mothering, you will find deep support for your transformational initiations, inspiration for next steps, wisdom for the journey, honoring of your rite of passage, celebration of new life, and deep connection with soul sisters walking the path of wildcrafted mothering right by your side. Step inside, look around. There is a wild garden here full of green life and flowering dreams. There is friendship and sisterhood. There is nourishment here, inspiration, and support should you desire it. The doorway is open.
Welcome, sister. We’ve been waiting for you.